Staking App $F4
Launch DApps
Dashboard $F4
Mining App $F4

* F4 * FOSFOUR * Uses Real World Assets (RWA) to mine cryptocurrency


Total Supply

5.000.000 $F4

Buy/Sell fee


Smart Contract



Fosfour $F4 is a revolutionary project that allows cryptocurrency mining to be done directly from mobile devices such as smartphones. Leveraging advanced technology and cloud infrastructure, Fosfour $F4 offers accessible, efficient and profitable mining solutions for all users, both beginners and professionals.

Smart Contract

Education and Exploration

Provides hands-on experience in the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

Network Security

- Firewalls and IDS/IPS: We use advanced firewalls and intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS) to protect our network from cyberattacks.

- Network Segregation: Our mining infrastructure is divided into isolated network segments to minimize the risk of attacks spreading.

Technological Innovation

- Develop and implement the latest mining technology to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of mining operations.

- Drive research and development to continually update and improve crypt mining solutions

Community and Collaboration

- Build a strong and supportive community around the project, by providing education, training and support.

- Encourage collaboration with industry partners, academia, and policymakers to develop a healthy and sustainable crypto mining ecosystem.

Our Vision

We want to make crypto mining accessible for everyone. Through the use of the $F4 token, you can stake and earn rewards generated directly from FOSFOUR ($F4) Mining miners. We will also be onboarding Community Miners by teaching how to use your own computer at home to donate hash to the FOSFOUR ($F4) Mining system.

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Our Commitment

FOSFOUR $F4 is committed to delivering a secure, efficient, and rewarding mining experience. We prioritize the security of our users' assets and strive to optimize mining rewards while upholding sustainability within the FOSFOUR F4 Mining ecosystem. Join us on this journey as we revolutionize cryptocurrency mining, paving the way for a more inclusive and accessible future for everyone who wants to mine crypto.

Launch App

* F4 * FOSFOUR * Although Professional Mining Is Usually Done With Specialized Hardware (ASICs) And Mining Rigs, Today There Are Options For Mining Using A PC Or Mobile Phone. This Mining Is Known As Small-Batch Mining And Is Usually Used For Cryptocurrencies That Are Easier To Mine.

* F4 * FOSFOUR * Although Professional Mining Is Usually Done With Specialized Hardware (ASICs) And Mining Rigs, Today There Are Options For Mining Using A PC Or Mobile Phone. This Mining Is Known As Small-Batch Mining And Is Usually Used For Cryptocurrencies That Are Easier To Mine.


Why Choose StakingPro $F4?

- High Weekly APR : Optimal Returns: StakingPro offers a high weekly APR that allows you to earn faster returns compared to traditional staking which usually provides an annual APR.

Easy Staking Process :

- User-Friendly Interface: Platform
- Get Started Easily: It only takes a few clicks to start staking and start earning.

Staking App

Fosfour Analytics Dashboard

Informed Decision:

- With real-time data and in-depth analysis, you can make better and more informed investment decisions.

Efficient Portfolio Management:

- Comprehensive portfolio monitoring helps you maintain and optimize your investments.

- See in detail the security of tokens assisted by Fosfour "Bot trading" with the latest AI version.

Fosfour Analytics

Market Prices:

- Monitor cryptocurrency prices in real-time, covering major assets such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and various altcoins by simply entering the contract address of the coin or token you want.

Data analytics Market Cap & Fosfour Scanner

- Provides market capitalization data for various cryptocurrencies, helping users understand the relative size of each asset and monitor token security with security score values.

- Network Segregation: Our mining infrastructure is divided into isolated network segments to minimize the risk of attacks spreading.


PHASE 1 | Initial Research and Development

    - 1.1 Market Research and Analysis

  • Conduct in-depth research on the cryptocurrency mining industry. ✔️
  • Analyze market needs and existing competition. ✔️
  • Identify potential benefits and risks. ✔️
  • - 1.2 Concept Development

  • Define project goals and vision. ✔️
  • Creating technical blueprints for mining platforms and applications. ✔️
  • Create a whitepaper explaining technical and business details. ✔️
  • - 1.3 Team and Resources

  • Recruiting a core team consisting of blockchain experts, software developers, and business experts. ✔️
  • Securing initial resources and funding. ✔️

PHASE 2 | Technology and Infrastructure Development

    - 2.1 Mining Platform Development

  • Created and tested initial prototypes of mining hardware and software.
  • Optimizing mining algorithms for energy efficiency and speed.
  • - 2.2 Application Development

  • Designing the user interface (UI/UX) of the application.
  • Developing key features of the application such as mining dashboard, results tracking, and security features.
  • - 2.3 Infrastructure and Security

  • Build a secure and scalable server infrastructure.
  • Implement security measures to protect user data and mining results.

PHASE 3 | Trial and Launch

    - 3.1 Beta Testing and Feedback

  • Launching beta versions of mining platforms and applications to a limited group of users.
  • Collecting feedback from beta users for further improvements and development.
  • - 3.2 Adjustment and Optimization

  • Addressing bugs and issues found during the beta phase.
  • Optimize platform and application performance based on user feedback.
  • - 3.3 Public Launch

  • Conducting the official launch of the mining platform and application to the public.
  • Conduct marketing campaigns to attract new users and investors.

PHASE 4 | Expansion and Continued Development

    - 4.1 Feature Expansion

  • Adding new features based on user requests and market trends.
  • Develop integrations with other platforms or new technologies.
  • - 4.2 Geographic Expansion

  • Targeting international markets for user expansion.
  • Provides multi-language support and customization for local needs.
  • - 4.3 Community and User Support

  • Create an online community for users to share experiences and help.
  • Provide responsive and effective customer support.
  • - 4.4 Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Continuously monitor platform and application performance.
  • Conduct periodic evaluations to ensure the project is running according to its initial objectives.


What is Fosfour F4?

Fosfor ($F4) is the process of generating cryptocurrency by solving complex mathematical problems using computer hardware and software.

Although professional mining is usually done with specialized hardware (ASICs) and mining rigs, today there are options for mining using a PC or mobile phone. This mining is known as small-batch mining and is usually used for cryptocurrencies that are easier to mine.

Why should I buy Fosfour F4?

At a low cost , and utility development with a CORE team of experts in their fields . more than 5-7 years experience in IT the ecosystem that we created also received the highest rating from global cryptocurrency LTD AUDITORS.

Where to buy Fosfour F4?

We will also enter the official exchange ,
To purchase FOSFOUR $F4 on Pancakeswap, simply follow this link: